Please check our Frequently Asked Questions if you have specific questions. If your question isn’t on our page, feel free to contact us and we will answer any inquiries.

Frequently asked questions

How do the cost-share programs provided by the Soil and Water Conservation District work?

The process is started by applying at your local Soil and Water Conservation District. After receiving the applications for the year, the district will rank each application based on resource concerns in the county. After being selected, applicants will be reimbursed up to 75% of the cost incurred from installing Best Management Practices (BMP). The applicant is responsible for 25% of the cost of the BMP.

Can the Soil and Water Conservation District advise me on layout/crops on my farm?

If you would like consultation on how to manage your land for production or need advice starting an operation, please contact the Madison County Cooperative Extension. For more information, visit this website.

Does the Soil and Water Conservation District do permitting for streams/bridges/wells/etc.?

No. The Soil and Water Conservation District is not a regulatory body and thus has no authority regarding writing or handling permits, even for agricultural projects.

To obtain a permit for within a stream profile or in a wetland please contact The US Army Corps of Engineers at (828) 271-7980.

To obtain permits for residential wells and septic systems please contact the Madison County Department of Environmental Health at (828) 649-9598.

What should I do if I notice pollution in my local body of water?

To report pollutants, dumping, or excess sedimentation in water bodies contact the Asheville office of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality at (828) 296-4500

Who should I contact to repair a culvert or road in my area?

To report damages to state maintained culverts, roads, and bridges contact the North Carolina Department of Transportation at 1-877-DOT-4YOU (1-877-368-4968) or call 911 if the damage impedes the roadway.

Is there a cost share program for solar panels and other energy sources?

There is an energy cost share program for western North Carolina farmers called Energy CAP that is not administered by the Soil and Water Conservation District. For more information on this program please visit this website.

How can I register my operation with the Farm Service Agency?

The first step to creating records with the FSA is contacting your local office. In Madison county, the contact for the FSA is:

Charlie Zink

Phone: (828) 649-2712 x 2


For more information on how to register your operation, please see this infographic.